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Junior high school yearbook photo of Tanya Sedore, complete with her ambition written as "pro photographer"
        Photography is my passion. I have continuously looked to improve my skills so that I can further my abilities in creating beautiful photographs.  Mentoring, educating, and expanding into other areas of this field enables me to meet my goal of displaying my portfolio for others to enjoy.​

Welcome to my business, my passion, my life. I am a very grateful mother to two beautiful children, a partner to a thoughtful and loving human being, and the owner of a thriving business for the past 20 years. 

I became a photographer because I had a strong interest in creating a photograph. I was 12 years old when I got my first camera after asking my parents for one for Christmas in 1984. 

It was kind of a funny thing when I looked back at my Junior High School yearbook and realized I had written that I wanted to be a photographer (ignore the hair, or don't! It might be cool again in five years).  

Hi there! I'm Tanya.

I went to NAIT when I was 20 years old. At the time I had a 1-year-old son and was living in a townhouse in the West End of Edmonton. I didn’t tell my Father that I had registered because I knew he would tell me that I was crazy. Money was very tight. I had been working at Bootlegger since High School and became the Assistant Manager at the store in the West Edmonton Mall. I kept getting promoted and it was like being demoted in spirit. I had regular thoughts of 'why am I an Assistant Manager at Bootlegger, this is not at all what I want to be doing'. 

Taking a few years off to experience the Bootlegger grind was essential to me finding my passion and purpose in life. 

I applied to NAIT last minute. The program I wanted to take was challenging to get into, I ended up on a waiting list, and I called the school almost every day asking if there was any hope. I think I might have annoyed the receptionist so much that she put me in so she wouldn’t have to hear my voice ever again. 

After I graduated I started working taking school photos. It was great for my confidence to set up lights, photograph, and interact with clients every day. Even though it wasn’t at all creative and not what I wanted to do, it was great for my technical and professional development.  Personally, however, it was very difficult to have that job with the amount of traveling I had to do. My mom took my son for me a week at a time. 

So many years have passed now, and so quickly. And it's so different, so, so different than what it used to be. I used to have ONE SHOT on film. Of course, some of the pictures would be all messed up, but sometimes the lab would call me and tell me that THEY messed up processing. Can you imagine me having to call you and tell you that your wedding shots were ruined in processing? Sometimes film would go missing; I recall frantically searching for it with my then-assistant. 

Now I photograph and it's just the beginning. It's a completely different process. I sit in front of the computer for hours, hours, and hours. I started in a world of photographing and today I am in the world of technology. And I've been in over my head in the past and I'll be in over my head again, I know it. This is a rapidly-changing industry. Initially, I went to school to learn about photography because I didn’t consider myself to be a good self-learner. But the minute I got out, the whole industry had changed, so I had to teach myself anyway! 

And the business part of things has evaded me for years. Even ten years ago my friends had to harass ME to invoice THEM. 

I've grown though, lots of growing left to do. Easy to grow in a space and in a world that you love, that for some reason you've always loved, and for so many reasons you stay in and work hard in every single day. This is who I am. 

I was recently asked for stories that moved me, shots that I’d taken, maybe some that had brought me to tears, beautiful moments that I’ve witnessed between strangers, loved ones, family…. I couldn’t remember any. 

I guess I’m on a different wavelength.

I’ve seen other photographer’s websites full of incredibly lovely stories, long, insightful descriptions catering to the emotions of their audiences, that’s so nice! But it’s not me.

I am a photographer behind the lens first and foremost, it’s as if I lose some of my humanity obsessing about the lens, the light, the placement of a hand, the crook of a neck, or the smirk that needs to turn into a smile. I am an extension of my camera. I am a machine. I am so committed to capturing what I see in the best possible way, technical notes running through my head like mathematical equations, that I sometimes regret not being able to appreciate what I am looking at until I see the end-product in front of my eyes. 

But what I see then is the most human thing of all, so far removed from me and my machine. Love, growth, loss, and life. 

Thank you for trusting me with all of your moments and your memories.




  • 2020 - Awarded Master of Photographic Arts designation by Professional Photographers of Canada.

  • 2019 - Tanya’s image ‘Alone’ in the Editorial class, won the prestigious Best in Class award at the Professional Photographers of Canada Alberta Region’s 2019 annual competition.

  • 2018 - Tanya's image "Sinister" in Experimental/Unclassified class won the prestigious Best in Class award at the Professional Photographer of Canada  Alberta Region's 2018 annual competition

  • 2017 - Celebrating 20 years of T. Sedore Photography!

  • 2017 - Architecture Class winner at the National PPOC convention.

  • 2016 - Third Annual Young at Art; raised over $15 000 to support youth art programs in the community through the Community Foundation       This year we granted $2213.77 to the Center for Creative Arts for the Happy Program and $2213.77 went to Clairmont school for the art program. The Young at Art Fund currently has over 30 000 in it.

  • 2016 - Supplied the Marriott In Saskatoon with artwork. Currently over 400 of Tanya’s images hang in the hotel.

  • 2015 - Supplied the Holiday In Express Cold Lake with artwork. Currently over 500 of Tanya’s images hang in the hotel.

  • 2015 - Second Annual Young at Art; raised over $15 000. The Young at Art Fund now has $25 000

  • 2015 - Received my CPA (Craftsman of Photographic Arts) from PPOC

  • 2014 - Founded Young At Art; raised over $10 000 to support youth art programs in the community through the Community Foundation.

  • 2014 - National Salon Image

  • 2012 -  Editorial Class winner at the National PPOC convention

  • 2012 -  National Salon Image

  • 2012 -  Accredited with the PPOC in Fine Art/Photo Décor

  • 2011 -  Accredited with the PPOC in Commercial

  • 2009 -  Became Official Photographer for Homes & Land Grande Prairie and Area

  • 2009 -  Accredited with the PPOC in Maternity

  • 2007 -  Supplied  The Pomeroy Hotel in Fort St. John with artwork. Currently over  400 of Tanya’s images hang in the hotel

  • 2005 -  Accredited with the PPOC in Child Portrait and Wedding Environmental

  • 1997 -  Opened T. Sedore photography

  • 1996 -  Graduated from NAIT with a Photographic Technology Diploma

T. Sedore Photography

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9927 100 Avenue

Grande Prairie, AB

© Copyright T. Sedore Photography
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